Friday, April 29, 2011

Cook County Jail to Separate Inmates By Gender Identity [Chicagoist]

Last month, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart implemented a comprehensive policy to separate inmates at Cook County Jail by gender identity, rather than birth sex. It's believed the policy is the first of its kind in the country

Prior to this policy, transgendered inmates at 26th and California were at risk for physical assault and harrassment because of the their gender identity. Dart's office worked with LGBT advocates, the Department of Corrections and Cermak Health Services to draft the policy, in which transgendered inmates are referred to a "Gender Identity Panel" of therapists and physicians before being placed into male or female wings of the jail. The policy also allows for transgendered inmates to carry toiletries and wear clothes consistent with their gender identity.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spelman College is hosting a summit on LGBT student/faculty/staff experiences

Facilitating Campus Climates of Pluralism, Inclusivity, and Progressive Change at HBCUs

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Women’s Research and Resource Center at Spelman College is hosting an historic summit as part of an Arcus Foundation funded project that has examined issues of institutional climate, gender and sexual politics at HBCUs.  

The Summit is the culminating activity of a three-year advocacy project that engaged nine HBCUs on the particular experiences of LGBT students, faculty and staff in an attempt to facilitate institutional change that acknowledges, values and respects difference.

Target Audience  

Our target audience includes HBCU administrators, faculty, staff, and students---including our nine partner institutions---organizations and interested parties whose social justice work relates to LGBT issues. 

The Summit will present the results of the project, including issues that pertain to academic and student life; discuss research that places gender and sexuality in the Black community within a larger historical framework; and examine strategies and best practices that promote and support inclusive campus cultures. 

Black Civil Rights and Gay Marriage: New Film Explores Link [The Root]

“Marriage Equality: Byron Rushing and the Fight for Fairness” 

A new documentary explores the often touchy issue through a focus on Byron Rushing, a straight African-American politician from Massachusetts who made marriage equality a priority before it became a national movement.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beneath My Hands

by Leonard Cohen

Beneath my hands
your small breasts
are the upturned bellies
of breathing fallen sparrows.
Wherever you move
I hear the sounds of closing wings
of falling wings.
I am speechless
because you have fallen beside me
because your eyelashes
are the spines of tiny fragile animals.
I dread the time
when your mouth
begins to call me hunter.
When you call me close
to tell me
your body is not beautiful
I want to summon
the eyes and hidden mouths
of stone and light and water
to testify against you.
I want them
to surrender before you
the trembling rhyme of your face
from their deep caskets.
When you call me close
to tell me
your body is not beautiful
I want my body and my hands
to be pools
for your looking and laughing.

"Asi es la Cosa" [Mafalda]

 #324, Asi es la Cosa, Mafalda (1967)
Teacher: "My mom pampers me. My mom loves me."
Mafalda: "I'm happy for you, Ms. I see you have a wonderful mother."
Mafalda: "Now, please, can you teach us something important?"

Friday, April 22, 2011

To All My Cycling Sisters:

There's also the Chrome bag.

Hair Types

I've just discovered my hair type is a 3b and a 3 in the back by my neck (I'm a mixed child. What can I say? A lots going on up there). What's yours?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

15 Most Powerful Gays of Color

GBM's Response To MSN’s All-White ‘Wonderwall’ Feature (which in turn is lacking in women...)

By Nathan James


Recently, MSN TV posted their “Countdown: 15 Most Powerful Gay Celebrities” slideshow list online, as a way of highlighting the progress of the LGBT community in contemporary society. Yet, as I looked through it, I was surprised, to say the least, that there wasn’t a single gay or lesbian celebrity of color on it. Not one. It was, to me, as if all the black, Latino, Asian, and other minority gay celebrities were hiding in plain sight. I talked with my editor about how our minority gay celebs were conspicuous by their absence, and he challenged me to do a list of 15 that I felt would remedy this. So here it is, my fifteen picks for the most powerful minority gay celebrities in America today. I’m hoping it will provoke a spirited dialogue among all who see my choices. Let the debate…begin.

Sophia Wallace Photography

Sophia Wallace is a fine art photographer based in New York City. Wallace's art practice addresses social constructs, aesthetics of beauty, family histories and intimate relationships. To this end, she utilizes and often merges various photographic approaches including portraiture, fashion, performance, and personal narrative. Wallace has received critical acclaim for her work including honorable mention in MAGENTA Flash Forward, CENTER Project Competition, 100 Portraits–100 Photographers FotoWeekDC, Flak Photo, American Photography AP-25, AP-24 and ARTslant. Her solo exhibition 'The New Masculine' was shown at Leslie/Lohman Gallery, which is followed by a two person show at the gallery that also features her work. Additional shows in New York include TASCHEN Gallery, Umbrella Arts Gallery, Aperture Gallery and Sasha Wolf Gallery. She has also shown at Kopeikin Gallery, Carnegie Art Museum and internationally at the Assembly Room in London. Editorial clients include The New York Times - Style Section, T-Magazine and The Guardian. Wallace earned a BA in Government with a minor in African American Studies at Smith College in 2000. She went on to attain a MA in Photography from New York University and the International Center of Photography in 2004. Born in Seattle in 1978 she currently resides in Brooklyn. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

LGBT Stories: Mixed Race Gay Couple Faces Challenges And Triumphs From Within Family


Women Press For A Voice In The New Egypt [NPR]

by Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson

For the first time in Egyptian history, a woman is running for president.

Buthayna Kamel's candidacy in elections expected later this year is the result of the youth uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak and his ruling party.

[Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson|NPR] 
Buthanya Kamel, the first female presidential 
candidate in Egypt, speaks at a campaign event 
at the main library in Luxor about the struggles 
of young people in the revolution.
Still, many Egyptian women say they feel shut out of the new government that is emerging. They worry that unless they take bold steps, women will end up with less political clout in the new Egypt than they had under Mubarak.

A New Freedom Meets An Old Problem

In her flowing black robe, Kamel looks like a traditional Egyptian woman. In reality, she is anything but.

The 49-year-old talk show host turned presidential candidate is on the campaign trail. She recently held a town hall gathering outside the main library in Egypt's famous southern city of Luxor. Not long ago, a gathering for people to vent their frustrations about the government — let alone discuss Kamel's presidential aspirations — would have been impossible.

In the past, only candidates approved by Mubarak and rubber-stamped by his Parliament could run. And Egyptians were convinced Mubarak was grooming his son, Gamal, to take over once he retired.

But today, Kamel and other Egyptians are looking forward to what they hope will be a real presidential race with grassroots campaigns.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Same-Sex Families Get A New Boost From Tax Rules

via NPR
by Phyllis Fletcher

Some same-sex couples have to file their federal income taxes in a new way this year. For some of those couples, it means they'll save a lot of money.

The gay couples who have new filing rules are same-sex spouses and registered domestic partners in "community property" states — that means they both own all of their income, no matter who earns what.

Three states extend their community property laws to same-sex couples: California, Nevada and Washington.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hanna [*****]

I thought the action flick was dead to me. Female heroes and villains doomed to be violent, bitter sex symbols in really uncomfortable-looking "clothing." And so my hopes for Hanna weren't especially high; I make it a point to set low bars for Hollywood, so as to make the experience seem like it was worth the $11. But Hanna did me a service, and said yes to blockbuster and no to formulas. It also doesn't seem to be a remake (I did a little IMDb research). But, however, in addition and MOST IMPORTANTLY! It meets Alison Bechdel's Bechdel Rule: 

(1) It has to have at least two women in it, who (2) talk to each other about (3) something that isn’t a man.

This flick boasted two of my favorite actresses, Saoirse (pron. seer-shuh... beautiful I know) Ronan and Cate Blanchett, some satisfactory action, and a little Sapphic splash. It's quirky and bad-ass all at once (which in retrospect isn't all that surprising. It's a Focus Features film; I tend to love those). Anyway, go see it.

Where Did You Go Last Night? « Thought Catalog

Where Did You Go Last Night? « Thought Catalog

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Know Your Herstory: Kathleen Cleaver

Not a lady-gay (that I know of) but still worth the know:

Kathleen Cleaver (1945- ) was a secretary for the New York branch of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. She left the organization in 1967 after meeting Eldridge Cleaver, the Minister of Information for the Black Panthers, who inspired Kathleen to join the Party.

Kathleen, like many of the women involved in the Civil Rights Movement, sought an equal partnership alongside her male peers. Although she found more freedom as a woman in the Black Panthers, she discovered that sexism remained a problem. Kathleen noted that ideas offered by men were immediately implemented, while the same ideas when posed by women were ignored. “The suggestion itself,” she explained, “was never viewed objectively. The fact that the suggestion came from a woman gave it lesser value.”

via Royalty Collective

To All My Gays #8

Because tablas take your heart and throws it up in the air with some leaves in slow-mo.

Music Moment: Yuna

Yuna is huge in Malaysia. I can only hope she succeeds internationally... for selfish reasons. I need her music accessible. Thankfully, she's recently been featured on NPR (meaning free song downloads). And her EP (Decorate) released last month. Get it on iTunes.

A Lawsuit’s Unusual Question: Who Is a Man? [NY Times]

Published: April 10, 2011

What is a man? For El’Jai Devoureau, this is not a rhetorical question.

El'Jai Devoureau, 39, said he was asked by his supervisor if he had undergone any operations to change his sex.

Mr. Devoureau, who was born physically female, is a man at the Motor Vehicle Commission, at the Social Security office, at home, at job interviews. But what about at the urinal?

In a case with a truly unusual set of factors, Mr. Devoureau filed a discrimination lawsuit on Friday that could break new ground in New Jersey and across the country, turning on the question of who is or is not a man. An employer fired Mr. Devoureau because it said only a man was allowed to do his job: watching men urinate into plastic cups at a drug treatment center.

Mr. Devoureau, 39, says he has identified himself as a man all his life. In 2006, after he began taking male hormones and had sex-change surgery, he adopted the name El’Jai (pronounced like L. J.). A new birth certificate issued by the State of Georgia identifies him as male, as does his New Jersey driver’s license, and the Social Security Administration made the change in its records.

“As long as I’ve been a person, I’ve lived as a man,” he said in an interview. “At age 5, I did everything a boy did: I climbed trees, I played football, I played with trucks. Most of the people in my life, all they know is I’m male.”

Last June, Urban Treatment Associates in Camden hired Mr. Devoureau as a part-time urine monitor; his job was to make sure that people recovering from addiction did not substitute someone else’s urine for their own during regular drug testing. On his second day, he said, his boss said she had heard he was transgender.

“I said I was male, and she asked if I had any surgeries,” he said. “I said that was private and I didn’t have to answer, and I was fired.” 


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Amazingly Queer Race for Economic Justice

A friend is participating in the 5th Annual Amazingly Queer Race for Economic Justice. Low and moderate income queers have always played a central role in the fights for gay rights and economic justice but are too often invisible in both movements. AQREJ is working to help other gay organizations prioritize economic justice in the gay rights agenda and is pushing friends who work on economic justice to remember that LGBT people are deeply impacted by those issues.

Black in Latin America

Black in Latin America is the third of a trilogy that began in 1999 with the broadcast of Professor Gates’s first series for public television, Wonders of the African World, an exploration of the relationship between Africa and the New World, a story he continued in 2004 with America Beyond the Color Line, a report on the lives of modern-day African Americans. Black In Latin America, premiering nationally Tuesdays April 19, 26 and May 3, 10, 2011 at 8 p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings), examines how Africa and Europe came together to create the rich cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean.


The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl: Episode 3

J attempts to pursue her office crush and navigates the awkwardness of the hallway.

Monday, April 11, 2011

That's What She Said Confirms Season 2

That's What She Said has confirmed that they will grace us with a second season!

TWSS in 2011
Monday, February 21st, 2011 

Hello there. 

It’s been quiet around here, we know. Pearl Girls Productions has been working on a documentary project which you’ll certainly hear about, and, as always, there’s a lot going on outside of TWSSland. People getting degrees, publishing novels, preparing art exhibits, planning events… but we definitely have not forgotten about TWSS!

We have great news– Season 2 of That’s What She Said has fiscal sponsorship from Visual Communications, which means we’ll be eligible to apply for grants! And future donations ($25 and up) will be tax-deductible! 

We’re going to start working on TWSS2 later this year. Thanks to everyone who still checks in on us from wherever you are in this big ol’ world, and thanks to those friends who continue to ask and remind us about Season 2. We’ll post more goodies here eventually! In the meantime, mosey on over to Formspring, Twitter, and Facebook to play with us.


- Narinda

P.S.– Some of the ladies of PGP will be holding a workshop at the Queer People of Color Conference at UC Riverside April 8-10. Come say hello!

Our Idiot Brother [AKA My Idiot Brother]

I've officially had a crush on Rashida Jones the last two days. I didn't much care for her in The Office. But I've since discovered that Ms. Jones (swoon) has that looks-funny-in-a-sexy-way look that I absolutely cannot resist. Ya know... that God-broke-the-mold look. A male example would be John Legend. And I also dig her name. When I marry, I plan on keeping my last name, unless of course my fiancée is a Jones...

Anyway, mega-monstrosity-of-a-blog AfterEllen informs me Rashida will be playing a butch lesbo in the upcoming comedy Our Idiot Brother. And can I just say, look how cute she is!!!

I'm digging the specs mighty hard, too. The film releases August 26th, just before my birthday (someone best be writing that down). That is all.

mnemonic sounds

I like music to have groove: chill, upbeat, uplifting or hypnotizing. Music that tugs at you, ya know? Portland-based mnemonic sounds does just that. Word.

Tea Moment: Brasil Goes Green

First Zealong makes tea history with producing the world's first oolong tea outside of Taiwan/China (that may not be true... there's also one in Hawaii that completely slipped my mind). Now, Brasil is cultivating green teas from Japanese varietals? [For those of you who don't know, unlike Chinese green teas, Japanese green teas tend to have beautiful, pungent green hues.] Check them out!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Brownie Points: NOM's Strategist Louis J. Marinelli


Reproductive Rights and All That Jazz

This reminds me of Freakonomics [***] and reasons why crime rates dropped in the 90s. But here's what conservative groups are saying now:

“Welfare has destroyed the African-American family by telling young black women that husbands and fathers are unnecessary and obsolete. Welfare has subsidized illegitimacy by offering financial rewards to women who have more children out of wedlock. We have incentivized fornication rather than marriage, and it’s no wonder we are now awash in the disastrous social consequences of people who rut like rabbits.” – American Family Association spokesbigot Bryan Fischer

They must not care about credibility.

Egyptian Women Forced to Take ‘Virginity Tests’ During Protests, Amnesty International

via Green Prophet
by Tinamarie Bernard | April 5th, 2011

Despite their massive involvement in the protests and overthrow of their government, Egyptian women are being denied a voice in the formation of a new government, World Pulse and other watchdog organizations report. Amnesty International has called on the Egyptian authorities to investigate serious allegations of torture, including forced ‘virginity tests’, inflicted by the army on women protesters (we’ve written about in Egypt) arrested in Tahrir Square earlier this month.

After army officers violently cleared the square of protesters on 9 March, at least 18 women were held in military detention. Amnesty International has been told by women protesters that they were beaten, given electric shocks, subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers, then forced to submit to ‘virginity checks’ and threatened with prostitution charges.

Taiwan gets its first locally produced lesbian magazine

Taipei, April 9 (CNA) Taiwan's first lesbian magazine hit bookshelves Saturday, as part of the minority group's efforts to take a more prominent role in the society.

The quarterly magazine "LEZS" features topics that range from fashion trends to gender issues in the field of art.

"We are tired of the 'don't ask, don't tell' tradition in our society, " said the magazine's editor-in-chief Wang An-i, adding that the launch of the magazine marked the beginning of a revolution.

The publication will not only discuss gender issues in Taiwan but will also help gay women in Taiwan to connect with overseas lesbian communities, especially those in China and Japan, she said.

Issue no. 1 of Taiwan's first lesbian magazine "LEZS" will soon be available
in stores. Picture: A lesbian-themed film promotion photo.
(Photo Courtesy of AtomCinema)

A local non-governmental organization that promotes gender equality welcomed the publication, saying that it was an indication of greater multi-culturalism in Taiwan.

"The publication will contribute to the dialogue on gay rights in Taiwan," said Tsai Wan-fen, secretary-general of Taiwan Women's Link. "We hope to see more magazines of its kind in the near future." (By Lee Hsin-Yin) enditem /pc

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Helloooo Canada

via OkCupid

This map is both predictable and surprising. More surprising than anything though.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sexy Lesbian Alert: Taschka Turnquist

Well, maybe not lesbo. Maybe queer. And in true queer-o-color fashion, she's an artist:

bbh on Autostraddle

brklyn boihood posted a BOMB article on Autostraddle the other day. Here's a snippet:

It’s just that of all the spectrum riding, genuinely evolving, delicate fixtures of flight in my life, I so love my sexuality being articulated as concrete. And yes, even concrete gets uprooted and reshaped and cracked and stepped inside of (whoa, I’m losing control of this metaphor!)—but that isn’t the point. The point is I love being gay. I came to understand myself, my identity in spaces that did not lend themselves to the latitude of this city at this time in history. ‘Queer’ felt as distant to me as ‘butch’—a term I’ve slowly begun to integrate into my spectrum of personal representation. Being queer meant having a ‘partner’ or ‘lover’ and I wanted a girlfriend. I have been so grateful, over the last several years to be introduced to queer spaces and to understand queerness as a statement of person and not sexual-identity. Like ‘butch’, I’ve tested it in my personal language of late. It feels quite right in so many realms—when talking to groups or conjuring the notion of space where we all can make room for each other. But, despite my greatest efforts to be so—I end up just feeling like a gay-ass in a queer-ass’s clothes. Love me anyway. I love you.

Ok and my favorite part:

ALSO ALSO ALSO the act of existing outside of the realm of gender (whether or not that is even *actually* happening…) does not speak in the language of the human condition. It is a privilege to imagine such a space and doing so, in my mind, leaves people out. The goal of progress should never be exclusion. The concept of removing gender as an identifying factor is exclusive because it is not a concept accessible to MOST of the world…particularly to women. In believing in its non-existence, what are we doing to the people who exist inside of this paradigm everyday?

That last part can also be applied to colorblindness. Now, go and read the whole thing

Interview with George Washington basketball player Kye Allums

VP Joe Biden Speaks Out Against Rape on College Campuses

My favorite asshole speaking truth.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm Back on Tumblr

Taken by me. My name is Lydia.
I couldn't stay away. It's just too gay and colored to pass up. I promise this tumblog is long-term. My last one was too contrived. This one actually serves a purpose. For those of you who don't know, my Canon Rebel XT was stolen. So, I'm compensating with my iPhone (Instagram and Hipstamatic. Look it up.). It serves one purpose in two ways. The first is to visually get my creative juices flowing, i.e., trying really hard to take great, spontaneous pictures using a phone. The second is to release creative energy being injected into my veins from beautiful people and reading books, i.e., writing haikus. Yay, creativity!

A note on reading books:

Books keep me sane. They are ESSENTIAL TO MY SANITY. I first made this discovery reading the Bible way back in my Jesus Freak days. I used to think it was just the Bible that made me better. But nay. It's knowledge and positive energy. Think Napoleon Hill and Thich Nhat Hanh and Russell Simmons and Alice Walker and soon some Audre Lorde. And yes, Jesus still counts. Contrary to popular belief, he was a cool dude. These people battle my dark side for me. Also, I'm hoping to compensate (word of the day) for my demons with some meditation. (Did that sentence make sense?)

Anyway, check me out.

One of the Traps

by Alice Walker
from Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth

One of the worst traps
Is finding yourself
Despising someone
Really good.

There they are
Wearing a miniskirt
Talking dirty
But washing
The filthy
Feeding the hungry
The poor
Befriending the dead

& all you can
Say in your

Their bleached hair
& studded
Hardly goes
With so much

Happy STI Awareness Month!

MTV is on the bandwagon with GYT (Get Yourself Tested). And to encourage safety being first, it's holding a sweepstakes. If you search for the nearest testing center near you and vow to get tested, you will be entered to win 2 tickets to their 2011 Movie Awards. It's also chock full of very important and useful and essential information. In fact, the site is huge. I don't jive with MTV too hard but they are racking up some serious brownie points right now. So with that...


Hell, do it for fun. Duh, it's your sex life.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Synopsis: In a world frighteningly similar to our own, Dawn and her girlfriend Sam are madly in love. But unbeknownst to Sam, Dawn is hiding a terrible secret, one powerful enough to destroy all Dawn holds dear. In this heart-wrenching tale of love and loss, Dawn must choose between exposing a painful truth and losing the girl she loves.

To Be a Woman

by Alice Walker
from Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth

To be a woman
Does not mean
To wear
A shroud;

The Feminine
Is not
Nor is she

Angry, yes,
Seething, yes.

Biding her time;



Aren't they wonderful?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Is Our Children Learning? by G.D.

On Monday, USA Today released its latest report in a series  on standardized testing in American schools. The story focused on Noyes Education Campus, a PK-8 school in D.C., which had been singled out for praise by the city’s former schools chancellor, Michelle Rhee, because of a big jump in its test scores. USA Today found that there were widespread irregularities with the tests at Noyes — namely that a high number of the students’ answer sheets for the city’s standardized tests had erasures that looked as if the initial, incorrect answer bubble filled out by students  had been changed to the correct ones.

There was a time when  standardized testing was widely seen as a necessary evil in education if not anathema to actual learning. But in the years since the passage of No Child Left Behind, testing has come to dominate discussions of education reform and classroom priorities. (Some districts devote several dozen school days to high-stakes testing each year.)    Charter schools tout their test scores in their fundraising efforts. Public schools with consistently low scores run the risk of being shut down. Several states are making “value-added” scores — an ostensible measure of how much an individual teacher improves student learning based on hitting test score targets — a central peg in determining how much a teacher should be paid, if she should be granted tenure, or whether she should be dismissed outright.

Dana Goldstein writes that given the stakes, it shouldn’t be too surprising that it appears some folks have been cheating to hit their numbers:
In the social sciences, there is an oft-repeated maxim called Campbell’s Law, named after Donald Campbell, a psychologist who studied human creativity. Campbell’s Law states that incentives corrupt. In other words, the more punishments and rewards—such as merit pay—are associated with the results of any given test, the more likely it is that the test’s results will be rendered meaningless, either through outright cheating or through teaching to the test in a way that narrows the curriculum and renders real learning obsolete.
In the era of No Child Left Behind, Campbell’s Law has proved true again and again. When the federal government began threatening to restructure or shut-down schools that did not achieve across-the-board student “proficiency” on state reading and math exams, states responded by creating standardized tests that were easier and easier to pass. Alabama, for example, reported that 85 percent of its fourth-graders were proficient in reading in 2005, even though only 22 percent of the state’s students demonstrated proficiency on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the gold standard, no-stakes exam administered by the federal government.
 Read the whole article here.

John Legend covers Adele’s Rolling in the Deep

HERE. Not for the faint of heart.

What I'm Listening To

I'm listening to a lot of tunes right now but I thought I'd share Toro Y Moi with you. I'm (very slowly) discovering him. He reminds me of The Drums but more mellow. [I also like The Drums.] But yeah... enjoy, I guess.

I'm Feelin This Groove

Distinguished Cravat's 1st Anniversary

Distinguished Cravat is celebrating it's one year anniversary (officially last month, I think). And to those of you who've shopped with them before, congratu-effing-lations you get half off your next order. For those of you like me, jealous and neck-attire-less, it's ok; one day we will have the $$ to support Kate Ross's genius and our high maintenance sense of self-expression.

New Bible-belt "Reality" Lezzer Show

A new "reality" lesbian show is set to release April 15th. And guess what else? It's set in Texas. The southwest has been scaring me more than usual the past year, so this automatically means the show will [potentially] be more interesting than usual. Did I mention I still miss Gimme Sugar? 


Are you one of the bajillion lesbians who didn't see yourself represented in The Real L Word's brand of talking, laughing, loving, breathing, fighting, f--king, crying, drinking, writing, winning, losing, cheating, kissing, thinking and dreaming? Well, Texas-based LezBeProud may be the answer to your reality TV needs. On April 15, "the Ladies" are launching a web series that will follow two lesbian couples — Debbie and Dawn, and Kristi and Lauren — as they live out and proud in front of the cameras in the Bible belt. 
Series creator Debbie Forth put it like this:
We designed this project to provide a different view of our lifestyle and to give other couples hope that society can accept their love. There are a variety of reality shows that highlight the many differences that exist in heterosexual relationships, but there simply aren’t any that show what lesbian couples endure to stay together. This is not a scripted show; this is our life.
More at

NRDC Action Fund

Even if you don't believe global warming is happening, why not be clean and create jobs?