Sunday, May 29, 2011

MondoHomo: Music Revue

Thelma & the Sleeze, lost bois and Heavy Flow rocked the HOUSE! What a night. If you missed tonight, it's not too late to get your lady-gay on. Sunday (5/29):

Mondo Day Camp
12-4pm, FREE, Cabbagetown Park

Let’s get those yummy balls a swingin’ in a gayday of fun in the sun. This dyketastic park day is an all-ages Queer Family event with playground sports, BBQ, aerial play, fagtastic games with the Atlanta Radical Fairies ( or, big gay pillow fight, music and outdoor cruising! Everybody Wins at the GayDay Games! Bring your A game and pillows!

…Exciting performances from Dance Truck

and the Atlanta Sedition Orchestra!


7pm – MSR, East Atlanta Village – $7 – Mondo Cinema – queer film shorts
10pm – MSR, East Atlanta Village – FREE! – Mondo Finale – dance party

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Believe Out Loud

Jesus Christ called each of us to love one another.

At its core, this is what Believe Out Loud is about – helping churches live out this Christian principle by becoming fully inclusive of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Believe Out Loud is a collection of clergy and lay leaders, LGBT activists, and concerned individuals, working together to help the Protestant community become more welcoming to gays and lesbians.

Using community organizing and social marketing strategies, we support individuals and churches in their efforts toward LGBT inclusion. A partnership of the country’s leading LGBT advocacy groups, both religious and secular, Believe Out Loud seeks to accelerate the existing Christian movement toward LGBT inclusion and significantly increase the number of local churches and denominations that are fully-inclusive of LGBT individuals, both in practice and policy. In doing so, we seek to create a widespread Christian movement for LGBT equality in the church and in broader society.

It’s not enough for us to silently believe that all are equal in God’s eyes. It is time for us to put our beliefs into action.

Break the silence. Join the movement. Believe Out Loud.

Brownie Points: Rep. John Kriesel (R)

Federal Warnings Hit Medical Pot Boom [NPR]

From California to Arizona, Colorado to Maine, states across the country are legalizing the sale of medical marijuana. Recent warnings from U.S. attorneys, however, are making local governments rethink their plans.

Seth Bock stands in what's supposed to be one of Rhode Island's first medical marijuana stores. His group was going to install grow lights and a ventilation system this week, but not anymore.

"We can't really invest any money into the carpentry and the building process until we know that this will go on," he says.

But that could take a while. Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee has put the program on hold indefinitely. The reason: a letter he received from the U.S. Attorneys' Office that said Rhode Island's so-called compassion centers could face federal raids, fines or criminal prosecution if they open.

"The U.S. attorney was very direct," governor's spokesman Michael Trainor says. "The governor believes that if we proceed on the present course, he'd be putting the compassion centers and people associated with compassion centers at great risk."

Rhode Island's letter is similar to those sent to at least eight other states with medical marijuana programs. Advocates believe the threats are a dramatic change from the Obama administration's original stance on medical marijuana. The Justice Department has refused to clarify its decision, saying only that its policy remains the same. It says the U.S. attorneys assigned to each state have "discretion" about how to enforce that policy.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fresh Foods Can Lower BPA Levels [DrWeilBlog]

The chemical BPA (bisphenol A) is in plastic food storage containers, the liners of metal food cans, water bottles and toys. Exposure has been linked to breast and prostate cancer, infertility, early puberty in girls, obesity and more. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 93 percent of all Americans have detectable levels of this ubiquitous chemical in our bodies.
The latest on the BPA front comes from a small study in California involving only five families. Before the study, all had habitually eaten meals prepared outside the home, including canned foods and sodas and frozen dinners. They all microwaved foods in plastic containers. For the study, the families switched to a diet of fresh organic meals and snacks delivered by a caterer and stored in glass and stainless steel containers. Urine samples taken at the study's beginning and end showed that BPA levels dropped by more than 60 percent, on average, in only three days. The findings were published in a report from the nonprofit Breast Cancer Fund and the Silent Spring Institute, a breast cancer research group.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Michelle Obama [mohandasgandhi.tumblr]

I have to wonder… if their roles were reversed and Michelle was president instead of Barack, would the same amount of attention be put on Barack’s appearance?  Those who would answer with a “yes” are perhaps kidding themselves.

For a woman who was educated at Princeton University, Harvard, and was once our president’s boss, one would think the press and media would focus on things other than appearance.  Michelle is obviously a very intelligent and gifted individual and her performance in interviews has impressed me much more than her husband’s.

I understand the way the media works, how politics work, and why Michelle chose the role that she did as First Lady, however, as a young woman who is pursuing a future in the political world of environmental law, it’s rather discouraging to see that even the most educated women will still be judged by superficial things, as if they have any impact on what’s inside or what one is able to contribute to our world.  During the 2008 presidential campaign she was labeled as an “angry Black woman” for saying uncontroversial things.  She’s continuously compared to Jackie Kennedy for nothing more than having what some deem to be a similar fashion sense.  Jackie Kennedy was no where near as accomplished as Michelle Obama and yet we still seem to group the two together.  Michelle is only the third First Lady who has obtained a Master’s Degree (after Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush) and despite comparisons to Hillary being perhaps more appropriate, we don’t really see them often.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I think I just had a heart attack. BuskFilms is queerly original and... ya know... Netflix on some serious lady-gay crack. That's right folks... there's a website out there that streams independent lesbian films. What? You heard me. You can watch lesbo movies til your heart's content. Or... if you're an independent filmmaker... get your ish watched  (and get paid at the same time)! The movie-lover in me definitely just had an orgasm. The films are available for rent online with a price comparable to On-Demand. Not exactly cheap, but it is in support for a community that's ever gaining ground. The shear accessibility of these films is nothing like I've seen in the lady-gay community before. Perhaps I'll finally get to see Pariah, or the many other indie flicks I couldn't get my hands on no matter how hard I tried. HOOZAH!

This video is NSFW.

I'm low-key addicted to this show...

Anyone But Me

Janet Mock Comes Out [theGAQ]

Janet Mock, editor comes out as transsexual. She says:

After high school graduation, many of my classmates were throwing big graduation parties and buying new cars. Those kids went looking for good times and great memories, but I was desperately searching for one thing only: a chance to be in the right body for the first time in my entire life.


Lenny Kravitz to play Cinna in The Hunger Games Movie

There's been some "controversy" about Lenny Kravitz being cast for the role of Cinna (read: because he's black). Director Gary Ross said that it was Lenny’s performance in the movie Precious that impressed him and that's what landed Lenny the quiet, understated role of Cinna in the upcoming movie The Hunger Games. I was never into teen book series until I got into The Hunger Games, courtesy of NPR. But first, a look at Lenny Kravitz as (sexy) nurse John in Precious:

I'm tempted to pat the casting director on the back, and am kind of relieved someone learned from the hoop-la surrounding The Last Airbender (what a effing disappointment), but then I remember it's ridiculous that race is still a big issue in movie casting. Last I checked, lots of white people watch Madea. Lots. And movies with black stars for leads aren't written off as black movies for black people (you need at least two black people for that and a plot involving a stuck-up black woman who needs a man...*insert sarcastic face*). Anyway, I'm excited for Lenny, and this movie! I still haven't finished the final book of the trilogy, but it's officially on my list.

P.S. Thank goodness they had the sense to get Rue right. Like all characters in the books, her race wasn't designated. But her complexion was.

P.P.S. When you're reading a book and a character's race isn't specified, do you automatically picture them as white?

Black Sun


As a lezzer blogger who lives under a rock, I have just found out some exciting news from a friend! An annual Queer Arts and Music Festival in Atlanta called MondoHomo is going down May 26th-30th. It is the South's queer art, spoken word, dance party, hip-hop-electro clash, politics, film, BBQ, circus arts, theater, music, burlesque, social action diversity-lovin' festival of fun queer space. That sounds fantabulously gay, amiright? And it gets better... most of the events are FREE!!! I'm particularly excited to see D.C.'s lost bois (I blogged about b.steady of lost bois some time ago) and have a gander at some New Orleans (represent) artists. 

Their manifesto:

Whereas we believe that the New South is rising with a battlecry of justice, glorious diversity, power to the people, and a groundswell of creativity; 

We seek to bring together queers and allies from the South and across the nation to celebrate the culture, music and arts of independent queer artists and performers! 

We seek to expand the boundaries of queer identity and indie culture, and to forge broad alliances among queers, indie artists, and activists; 

We seek to spread the anti-consumerist DIY/punk ethic of no experts, I’ll do it myself, thanks; 

We seek to make political change through art and music, and to make art and music that is fundamentally politically; 

We seek to share skills, ideas, strategies, resources, and most of all, the music and arts we love; 

We seek to support and embolden all those who oppose corporate takeovers of our cities and cultures, and our country’s pervasive and systemic racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, and denial of equality to all those considered ‘different’. 

Most of all we seek a revolution we can dance to! 

Check out their schedule of events!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Movie references in Kill Bill

I knew Kill Bill was chock-full of spoofs and references, but this vid breaks it down really well. I'm a huge Kill Bill fan, so I had to share.

Just so we're clear...

"have frequent, promiscuous and bisexual sex to manage conflict and solve social issues"

Isabel Behncke Izquierdo on sex and play society. This is an interesting video. I really like her closing. via CONSTANT SIEGE

The Real Reason Why Bicycles are the Key to Better Cities [Sustainable Cities Collective]

We all know the talking points. The benefits of bicycles have been tirelessly elaborated upon; bicycles improve health, ease congestion, save money, use less space, and provide efficient transportation with zero fuel consumption and zero carbon emissions. The culmination of a population on two wheels can have a drastic impact on the overall wellbeing of a city. However, none of these come close to the most meaningful aspect of cycling, a factor that cannot be quantified but has endless value to those fighting to improve their communities.

The most vital element for the future of our cities is that the bicycle is an instrument of experiential understanding.

On a bicycle, citizens experience their city with deep intimacy, often for the first time. For a regular motorist to take that two or three mile trip by bicycle instead is to decimate an enormous wall between them and their communities.

In a car, the world is reduced to mere equation; “What is the fastest route from A to B?” one will ask as they start their engine. This invariably leads to a cascade of freeway concrete flying by at incomprehensible speeds. Their environment, the neighborhoods that compose their communities, the beauty of architecture, the immense societal problems in distressed areas, the faces of neighbors… all of this becomes a conceptually abstract blur from the driver’s seat.

Yes, the bicycle is a stunningly efficient machine of transportation, but in the city it is so much more. The bicycle is new vision for the blind man. It is a thrilling tool of communication, an experiential device for the beauty and the ills of the urban context. One cannot turn a blind eye on a bicycle - they must acknowledge their community, all of it.

Here lies the secret weapon of the urban renaissance.

You see, those of us fighting for our cities, we struggle because too few see the problems, and fewer understand the solutions. They are quite literally racing past the issue, too busy to see, too fast to comprehend.

I cannot approach the average citizen and explain the innate intricacies of land use and transportation relationships, how density is vital to urban sustainability, how our sprawled real estate developments are built on economic quicksand, how our freeways shredded the urban fabric like a rusty dagger, how deeply our lives would be enriched by a collective commitment to urbanism.

Aside from glazed eyes, I will be met with outrage. No one wants to be told that they must radically alter their lifestyle, no matter how well you sell it.

The bicycle doesn’t need to be sold. It’s economical, it’s fun, it’s sexy, and just about everyone already has one hiding somewhere in their garage.

Invite a motorist for a bike ride through your city and you’ll be cycling with an urbanist by the end of the day. Even the most eloquent of lectures about livable cities and sustainable design can’t compete with the experience from atop a bicycle saddle.

“These cars are going way too fast,” they may mutter beneath their breath.

“How are we supposed to get across the highway?”

“Wow, look at that cathedral! I didn’t know that was there.”

“I didn’t realize there were so many vacant lots in this part of town.”

“Hey, let’s stop at this cafe for a drink.”

Suddenly livability isn’t an abstract concept, it’s an experience. Human scale, connectivity, land use efficiency, urban fabric, complete streets… all the codewords, catchphrases, and academic jargon can be tossed out the window because now they are one synthesized moment of appreciation. Bicycles matter because they are a catalyst of understanding - become hooked on the thrill of cycling, and everything else follows. Now a new freeway isn’t a convenience but an impediment. Mixed-use development isn’t a threat to privacy but an opportunity for community. And maybe, just maybe, car-free living will eventually be seen not as restrictive, but as a door to newfound freedom.

The real reason why bicycles are the key to better cities?

Some might call it enlightenment.

Editor’s note:  a version of this piece was originally posted on

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Bicycling to Work Day!

In celebration of this special day, I encourage you all to stay safe! Here (see link below) are a series of graphics with the most common collisions between cars and cyclists. Have a gander, so you'll know what to look out for. To all my car driving lady-gays, this applies to you, too. Striking that hottie on a bike with your ride isn't the best way to catch her eye. I don't recommend it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Protest Action Against Corrective Rape

Cape Town, South Africa - 15 May 2011

Killing of a Durban lesbian sparks hate crime protest [iol]


Women protest outside Durban's City Hall after a 
lesbian was raped and  killed in KwaMashu. The 
protesters claimed the government was not  
protecting gay citizens. Picture: Mthobisi Mbanjwa
The murder of a Durban woman has angered the gay and lesbian community, who are demanding government take hate crimes more seriously.

Nqobile Khumalo, 23, went missing on May 4 and her body was found in a shallow grave near her parents’ home in KwaMashu’s F-Section two days later, said police spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent Mdunge.

A man has been arrested in connection with her murder and is in Westville Prison awaiting a bail application.

Khumalo’s funeral was held in KwaMashu on Saturday.

Police say they have no knowledge of Khumalo’s murder being linked to her being a lesbian. But Lexit - an organisation that defends the rights of lesbian and bisexual women - claims Khumalo was killed because of her sexual preference.

The organisation staged a protest outside the Durban City Hall yesterday, singing and waving placards, to show anger at the murder.

“This is part of a nationwide protest because many lesbians are being raped and killed yet nothing is being done,” said chairwoman Thobeka Khoza. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Former Villanova basketball player Will Sheridan on his experience coming out as an athlete

Thumbs-up to ESPN for opening up dialogue with gay athletes.

Brownie Points: Janelle Monae

In The New Gay interview with Janelle Monae:

Zack Rosen: How do you identify in terms of sexual orientation?
Janelle Monae: I'm actually attracted to androids.

It's an old interview. But to read it in its entirety, go here.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I find them fascinating. I love reading about them (not so much weekly or monthly "fortunes," but rather habits and personalities) and learning about myself through them. I don't take them overly seriously, but you can't convince me they're complete bullshit. For all the zodiac aficionados out there, I recommend Sextrology. This book is thorough and makes an effort in addressing how zodiac signs play out for queer people. 

The reason I'm bringing up zodiacs is because I was poking around tumblr today, and ran across a zodiac blog (with a lot of typos/grammatical errors). I'm a Virgo, so I read through the Virgo posts, and as usual, it hit the nail practically on the head. The ones that are undeniably true for me:

#4   No matter how rough you get with a Virgo, they will remain classy and put you in your place at the same time. [Extra true]
#7   In friendship it might be hard to pin down how a Virgo friend is feeling because they can easily live in denial.
#11 Virgos tend to stay in relationships longer than they should simply because they don't want to give up and walk away. To them, you are the investment of their precious time. 
#12 Virgos don't always let you see the true sides of them. [Extra true]
#13 Virgos are incredibly romantic when they truly feel it. They have a wonderful appreciation of love and know how to woo the "right" way.
#14 A cool exterior tends to mask Virgos wild side, often a fantasy world filled with erotica safely under wraps. [Extra true]
#15 Virgo is the type of person who aims for the top. Not for money or glory, but for a feeling of accomplishment. 
#18 Do try to remain at ease if your Virgo criticizes or over-analyzes you. A Virgo will eventually realize that even Virgos are not perfect. [Extra true]
#20 Do not pick at your Virgo, even if they pick at you. Your Virgo may take your criticism to heart, and feel bad that they are not up to your standards.
#21 The great strength of the Virgo-born is their practicality, sharp mind and attention to detail.
#22 Virgos sometimes have trouble going with the flow. [Extra true]
#23 Virgos can have trouble escaping dependence on the approval of others.
#25 What Virgos lack in passion, they make up in dedication and loyalty. [Extra true]
#28 Virgo is the most caring friend you'll ever have. They will help you out with just about everything.
#29 It's a thin line between love and hate--and Virgos usually find themselves in that midpoint. [I'd reword this to say Virgos don't easily love or hate, we usually find ourselves somewhere in the middle]
#30 Virgos do not want someone exactly like them. They want a lover that will cheer up their mood and prevent them from getting too serious. [Extra true]

You Keep Saying Black Women Are Ugly Worthless Whores And We Refuse To Believe You [Esoterica]

 by Esoterica

Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa posted a piece on the Psychology Today website (originally titled Black Women Are Ugly) that was retitled a few times before deletion. I didn’t manage to screen cap the original title, but I do have a cap of the article itself with one of the subsequent titles. And reading it is an exercise in revisiting kind of the Darwinism that was theoretically debunked ages ago. Given the range of articles on topics like the “plight” of single black women or the invisibility of black women in general, I guess not only are we not supposed to value ourselves, but no one else does either. Except when it comes to sex. There we’re more likely to be viewed as promiscuous regardless of actual behavior. Our bodies are not supposed to be our own, and no one (least of all the women in them) is supposed to love everything about them.

Well, as much as hearing this shit hurts, as much as living in the intersection of racism and misogyny is exhausting? I refuse to let this bigoted bullshit define my reality, or the reality of women like me. Black women are often denigrated inside and outside of our communities for being tough. We are seen as being too strong to be “real” women. If I’m going to war every day with a society that shames and attacks me as a matter of course? I’m not going outside without weapons. Intelligence, wit, that knowledge that even if no one else loves me today, I have to love me today. Because in the end, all of the racism, classism, & misogyny that surrounds me is something to overcome. We do that as black women. We overcome adversity. And it costs us. Everyday we get hurt, and sometimes our wounds are patched up by good caring people. Sometimes they’re not, but we keep fighting. Because that’s what warriors do regardless of the odds. We are beautiful, intelligent, strong, and so much more than any of these people spouting bigotry can understand. Target us, and we’ll fight back the best way we know how. We will live our lives and love ourselves regardless of your racist nonsense.

And before a bunch of people rush to claim these are isolated incidents, I want you to spend some quality time with Google. Look up terms like “Pretty for a black girl”, and “Black Women are Easy”. Spend some time looking at those celebrity blogs and the color of the celebrities that are celebrated for having full lips or large behinds. Walk down a hair care aisle at your local drugstore and count how many products are aimed at natural Afro textured hair vs. how many are for straightening that hair. Take a trip through the magazine aisle and look at the covers of those fashion and beauty magazines. Open them up and count how many of the models are visibly of African descent. When you’re out at restaurants or even at the mall pay attention to the number of stores that have mannequins that remotely resemble black women. Last, but definitely not least listen to how the people around you talk about female bodies. Specifically black female bodies. Then come talk to me about post racial America and what it means to be a black woman trying to survive racism and rape culture.

Brownie Points: Jessie J

Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude by UniversalMusicGroup

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Brownie Points: Jade Goodwin-Carter

Microaggressions [Autostraddle]

Haven't read this. But I really really really want to:

Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation was released last year by Derald Wing Sue, Professor of Psychology and Education in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Teacher’s College, Columbia University.

Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation is about the damaging consequences of everyday prejudice, bias, and discrimination upon marginalized groups in our society. The experience of racial, gender, and sexual-orientation microaggressions is not new to people of color, women, and LGBTs. It is the constant and continuing everyday reality of slights, insults, invalidations, and indignities visited upon marginalized groups by well-intentioned, moral, and decent family members, friends, neighbors, cow- orkers, students, teachers, clerks, waiters and waitresses, employers, health care professionals, and educators. The power of microaggressions lies in their invisibility to the perpetrator, who is unaware that he or she has engaged in a behavior that threatens and demeans the recipient of such a communication.

While hate crimes and racial, gender, and sexual-orientation harassment continue to be committed by overt racists, sexists, and homophobes, the thesis of this book is that the greatest harm to persons of color, women, and LGBTs does not come from these conscious perpetrators. It is not the White suprema- cists, Ku Klux Klan members, or Skinheads, for example, who pose the greatest threat to people of color, but instead well-intentioned people, who are strongly motivated by egalitarian values, believe in their own morality, and experience themselves as fair-minded and decent people who would never consciously discriminate. Because no one is immune from inheriting the biases of the society, all citizens are exposed to a social conditioning process that imbues within them prejudices, stereotypes, and beliefs that lie outside their level of awareness. On a conscious level they may endorse egalitarian values, but on an unconscious level, they harbor antiminority feelings.

Freedom To Marry Letter to the President

The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500 

Dear Mr. President: 

In February, you made a powerful statement about the law. 

Invoking guarantees enshrined in the Constitution, you and the Attorney General determined that federal discrimination against gay and lesbian couples in marriage is unconstitutional. Thank you for taking a principled stance and an important step toward equal protection under the law for all Americans. 

Today we ask you to take the next step and join the majority of Americans who support allowing loving and committed gay and lesbian couples to legally marry.

Mr. President, marriage matters. In law, in love, in life, marriage says "we are family" in a way that nothing else does. Marriage is the coming together of two lives, marked by a public promise of love and responsibility in front of friends and family. And marriage brings not only public respect and personal significance, but also a safety net of legal protections, rights, and responsibilities for which there is no substitute.
Like so many Americans, you have spoken of your personal journey toward support for the freedom to marry. You have talked about the gay and lesbian people in your life, their commitment to each other and care for their kids, and their families that aren't so different from any other family. 

We ask you now for your leadership on ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage, an exclusion that harms millions of Americans each day. Whether to end discrimination in marriage is a question America has faced before, and faces again today. With so many Americans talking it through in heartfelt conversations, it is a question that calls for clarity from the President. 

You can offer hope to millions of young gay and lesbian Americans who are facing discrimination. You can tell them that their future is bright, that they, too, will be able to grow up and marry the person that they love, that the pursuit of happiness truly belongs to all of us. You can put government on the side of those seeking to care for their loved ones, instead of those standing in their way. You can affirm that for all of us, gay or non-gay, love is love and commitment counts— and that we Americans should treat others as we all want to be treated. 

Mr. President, the time to end exclusion from marriage is now. We ask you to complete your journey and join us and the majority of Americans who support the freedom to marry.

Brendon Ayanbadejo Lance Bass Sara Bareilles
Dustin Lance Black Julian Bond Helen Fabela Chavez
Andy Cohen Ellen & Portia DeGeneres Jack Dorsey
Melissa Etheridge Scott Fujita David Geffen
Anne Hathaway Chris Hughes & Sean     Eldridge Tony Kushner & Mark Harris
Caroline Kennedy Cyndi Lauper Jane Lynch & Lara Embry
Eric McCormack Rev. Peter Morales Mya
Sean Parker Mark Pincus LeAnn Rimes
Frank Selvaggi & Bill Shea Martin Sheen Rev. William Sinkford
Lily Tomlin & Jane Wagner Verne Troyer Zach Wahls
Rufus Wainwright Evan Wolfson Bob Wright & Suzanne Wright

Update: Uganda's Anti-Gay Bill [CNN]

Uganda's parliament adjourned Friday without acting on a bill that would have made engaging in homosexual acts a capital offense, leaving the future of the widely condemned bill uncertain.

Though parliament's mandate ends May 18, next week has been reserved for the swearing in of new members. Friday's lack of action on the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill means that the issue will not be discussed this session.

The bill has been condemned internationally since October 2009, when it was introduced.

In addition to proposing the death penalty for certain gay acts, it proposed requiring anyone aware of violations of the bill to report them to the authorities within a day or face criminal sanction, said Human Rights Watch.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fair-Trade Label Promotes Gender Equality in India []

The Dutch fashion label Satara isn't just in the business of flowy, free-trade clothing. The pieces in its current collection are pretty, light weight, and perfect for summer days, but it's the story behind the clothing that's the real draw. By employing, training, and fairly paying underprivileged but entrepreneurial women in India, the nonprofit seeks to promote gender equality and self-sufficiency.


Laughter during Sex

If there’s one thing that we see rarely — if at all — in porn, it’s laughter. What strikes me about most pornography is that it’s always so deadly serious. A nervous giggle is permissible in a few instances (such as those ghastly “casting couch” videos that are evidently ubiquitous, in which “innocent newcomers” are interviewed and then fucked for the first time on camera.) But laughter during sex, a shared joyful recognition that getting naked and sweaty and contorted is frequently hilarious? Nope. For too many, porn reinforces the obligation to perform, which creates anxiety, which creates in turn a deathly humorlessness.

HRC Gala & Auction Tonight

The HRC Gala & Auction is tonight in Atlanta. They will be honoring Mo'Nique tonight. The Atlanta Gala Dinner is an annual event that consists of a large private auction, followed by a black-tie dinner to celebrate the steps they have made and to look towards a more just future. Just last year alone, they were able to raise over $400,000 for the cause through silent auction sales, corporate sponsorships, and over 1200 dinner participants. 

Tickets are still available for purchase. If you're a student (with ID), you can get in for $100. I personally find HRC assimilationist and inaccessible. But hey, they have a lot of money and money is power...

NSFW!!! [imqween]

But so hott I had to share.

Throwback: Jet Magazine Cover from 1954 [theGAQ]

We are the Youth Project

via theGAQ

We Are The Youth Project: Patrick, Age 18, Auburn, AL

I actually did enjoy my high school experience. I never experienced the whole “Everything sucks, I hate everything” thing of high school. I’ve never really experienced bullying. I don’t know why. I’m pretty flamboyant, so you would think I’d be the ultimate target for anti-gay slurs.

But even since coming to Auburn, this big, football school in the Bible Belt, I haven’t even gotten a word. I’m sure there’s comments behind my back. I’m not that dumb or idealistic. I joke that maybe it’s because I’m a long-haired Mexican person so everyone thinks I’m in a gang.

But really, I think people leave me alone because they think I look down on them. I was talking to my ex a couple of days ago about this. He was saying in high school I put on airs, as though I’m above everyone.

I’m a quiet person. And I’m not a social person. I’ll wait for someone to ask me out. And I always say, “God willing, it will happen.” I’m like that with friendship too. I’ll talk to people who talk to me. I can be a hermit, but I still need to have some sort of social life. During the first week of school I went to an orientation event. I first waited to see if anyone would come up to me. I was wearing one of my flashier outfits. I’m a very hard-to-miss person most of the time.

My friends say every time they see me I’m in half-costume. When I was in Texas in the earlier years, I wore old-style collared shirts and just slacks. I didn’t wear jeans until I was 17.

I just like accessories. I’m always with a scarf or a hat or both. My parents aren’t very supportive of this. Or rather, my father isn’t supportive. My freshman year of high school I got my first real scarf when we went on a trip to New York. It’s a black velvet one. It’s more of a shawl than a scarf, but I cut it. That was my first real flashy item. Since then, I’ve been collecting scarves when I’m not with my parents. And now I’m not with my parents 24/7.

Against my will, my parents know that I’m gay. I put that I was gay on Facebook, because I’m open to pretty much everyone but my parents. I didn’t think my parents would look me up online. However, Spring of last year, my senior year of high school, my mom told me, “Your dad’s not having a good time finding out you’re gay. He looked you up online.” From there it got worse. He had been answering my emails, e-mailing my mom behind my back about finding psychologists who still took gay-to-straight patients for conversion therapy. But nothing ever came of it.

My father and I had one talk about me being gay, when I was bringing the trash to a recycling place. He told me, “I used to think that way when I was your age until I met the right woman, and then I never looked back.” He thought he was gay and then one girl asked him out. He never had a boyfriend.

During this whole conversation I remember thinking, “I want to go away but I’m trapped in this car going home.” My father will get angry when you disagree with him, but he’ll say you’re the one getting angry. And that actually does make you angry. I was listening to him, but I can’t say I would take his advice. My mother has no problem with me being gay, but he makes her talk to me about it, and he’s making her look like the bad guy. It’s a sad story.

My mother is the only person I’d call my family. My sister is 11 and I love her. I have no reason not to love her and I’d protect her. But my mother’s probably my only support system within the family.

    As told to Diana Scholl
   Photo by Laurel Golio, taken at Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
   To tell your story, email

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wayuu Taya Foundation (and their FANTASTIC bags)

The Wayúu Tayá Foundation is a 501(c)3 non governmental, nonprofit organization founded in 2002 to help improve the lives of Latin-American indigenous communities while maintaining and respecting their traditions, culture and beliefs.  Wayúu Tayá Foundation was founded by Wayúu model and actress, Patricia Velásquez.  Since its creation, it has concentrated its efforts in assisting the Wayúu, an indigenous group of over 450,000 people, located in the Guajira Peninsula of northern Colombia and northwest Venezuela.

Wayúu’s, commonly referred to as Guajiros, are an Amerindian ethic group that have been able to avoid European acculturation over the centuries. The Guajira region is characterized by being very dry and arid, as well as extremely poor in most rural areas.

After the tragic events of the earthquake that hit Port Au Prince, Wayúu Tayá has expanded its work to Haiti with the creation of the Help Haiti Hope initiative.

Currently expanding into the Amazon where it will support healthcare and education initiatives, benefiting major indigenous groups such as the Jivi, Yanomami and Piaroa.

The proceeds from the sale of these bags in their online gift shop go to benefiting the Wayuú indigenous people. The bags are hand-made by Wayuú indigenous women at Shukumajaya, the foundation's women center that helps educate women on parenting and nutrition, family planning and hygiene.

Uh Huh Her in Atlanta

 Uh Huh Her will be playing at The Loft in Atlanta on May 17th.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

South Africa Starts Anti-Hate Crime Task Force [Autostraddle]

South Africa’s Ministry of Justice has established a national task team to address hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans South Africans after 170,000 activists submitted a petition calling for action.

The government has been accused of not doing enough to help lesbians targeted for “corrective rape,” a hate crime in which men rape gay women to “correct” their sexual orientation or behaviour or punish them for preferring women. The new task team will begin operations on July 15, and will include six representatives from the gay community and six government representatives from the judiciary, police force, and department of social development. It will work towards changing current legislation, public awareness, and creating gay-friendly shelters. At a preliminary meeting earlier this week, a few of the options discussed included adding sexual orientation to a list of aggravating factors in sexual assault, which would make sentences heavier; using magistrate courts as equality courts; changing the minimum sentences for hate crimes and adding sexual orientation as a basis for hate crimes; and sensitivity training for police.


Friday, May 6, 2011

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl: Episode 4

J and Cece’s friendship develops while Nina finds a new ally in the office. Watch.

Be sure to check out “Awkward Black Girl” on Facebook and Twitter
Check out past episodes HERE.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Krystle Warren

Soooo good! Just... don't compare her to Tracy Chapman. Don't do it. Resist.

Krystle Warren on herself:

I'm from Kansas City, Missouri. I'm an American musician on a French label, (Because Music). I like being one of the few artists on this thing that you can actually contact, reach. However, I do not like cheese, or vinegar, or loads of other things. J'adore steak frittes, j'adore magret de canard. Miam, miam, miam. When I get a moment to myself - an' am in close proximity to a decent internet cafe, I like to read the notes you send an' respond accordingly. I also like to change my headline, (I think about good quotes I could use all day long actually) an' switch up my "Sounds Like" video from time to time, usually placing something there that has no fucking relation, (or it posseses a similar/dead on perspective/point of view - I'm tricky this way) to what it is that I do an' that I just simply find worthy of viewing for hilarious/moving purpose. Oh, I'm also around to figure out a thing or two.